Mumbai: Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s action-drama “Animal,” fueled by Ranbir Kapoor’s intense performance and Rashmika Mandanna’s charm, continues its triumphant march at the box office. After a record-breaking opening, the film shows no signs of slowing down, even on its third Monday. Day 18 saw a resurgence in its daily collections, roaring back with an estimated ₹5.5 crore net in India alone.

The movie has recorded a total collection of ₹139.26 crore in India net, which was a significant 58.75% less than the first week’s earnings. Of the ₹139.26 crore collection, a cumulative Hindi market collection was ₹130.73 crore. In the first week, the film collected ₹337.58 Crore in India where ₹300.81 crore was collected in the Hindi language alone.

This consistent roar has pushed “Animal” past a significant milestone – a total net collection of over ₹500 crore within India. This feat solidifies its position as one of the year’s biggest commercial successes, leaving critics and audiences in its wake.

With this, the film has crossed the ₹500 mark in India collection. The report shows the film has collected a total of ₹517.94 crore in India net. It also showed that the film saw an overall 12.18 percent occupancy in the Hindi language and 17.96 percent in the Telugu language.

Part of the film’s allure lies in its enigmatic plot, shrouded in secrecy during its promotional campaign. Vanga’s signature dark and gritty world-building, coupled with Kapoor’s portrayal of a complex, morally ambiguous character, has piqued audiences’ curiosity. The high-octane action sequences, rumored to be some of the most elaborate ever seen in Indian cinema, add another layer of adrenaline-pumping excitement.

However, “Animal’s” box office dominance isn’t solely reliant on action and intrigue. The film’s underlying themes of family dynamics, betrayal, and redemption resonate with viewers, sparking conversation and debate. Kapoor’s on-screen chemistry with Mandanna, playing his love interest, provides a welcome emotional anchor amidst the chaos.

Despite facing some criticism for its graphic violence and potentially problematic portrayals, “Animal” continues to draw crowds. Its success highlights the Indian audience’s ever-evolving taste, embracing darker, more complex narratives without sacrificing entertainment value.

With its powerful performances, gripping story, and box-office shattering numbers, “Animal” seems poised to continue its reign at the top for weeks to come. As the roar echoes across theaters, one thing is certain: Sandeep Reddy Vanga has unleashed a beast that refuses to be tamed.

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