“Mission Raniganj; The Great Bharat Rescue,” directed by Tinu Suresh Desai and featuring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra, has had a steady performance at the Indian box office. According to reports, the film has collected around ₹16 crore in India since its release week. On its 5th day, “Mission Raniganj” is estimated to have earned ₹1.5 crore in India. The film box office journey began with ₹2.8 crore on the first day, followed by ₹4.8 crore on the 2nd day, ₹5 crore on the third day, and ₹1.50 crore on the fourth day resulting in a total of ₹15.6 crore in India. On Tuesday, the film had a Hindi occupancy rate of 9.6 per cent.

Despite the film’s low box office performance, Akshay Kumar expressed his pride in “Mission Raniganj.” He praised director Tinu Suresh Desai for his efforts. Suggested that Tinu deserves a National Award for his relentless work on the screenplay over the past 4 to 5 years. Akshay Kumar emphasized his satisfaction with the film’s quality. Considered it one of his cinematic endeavours.

The performance of “Mission Raniganj” at the box office continues to be monitored by both industry insiders and moviegoers.

As the movie unfolds, how the audience reacts and whether it becomes a hit will be factors in deciding the ultimate outcome of its cinematic journey.