“Mission Raniganj,” directed by Tinu Suresh Desai, has seen a decline in its earnings as it enters its seventh day at the box office. The movie, titled “Mission Raniganj; The Bharat Rescue “, made its debut week and has earned just over ₹18 crore in India. Starring Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra in lead roles, the film brought in an estimated ₹1.3 crore nett on its day contributing to its earnings.

The film’s box office journey began with ₹2.8 crore on the first day, followed by ₹4.8 crore on the day, ₹5 crore on the third day, and ₹1.50 crore each on both the fourth and fifth days. Day six saw collections of ₹1.35 crore resulting in a total of ₹18.25 crore, in India so far. On Wednesday, “Mission Raniganj” maintained a Hindi occupancy rate of 9.26 percent.

The movie revolves around Jaswant Singh Gill (played by Akshay Kumar), a life hero who played a crucial role in the rescue mission. 

When it comes to the movie Akshay Kumar shared his thoughts saying, “Mission Raniganj revolves around a group of 71 miners who got stuck inside a coal mine at a depth of 350 feet. At that moment an engineer named Sardar Jaswant Singh Gill was present. Despite advice, from France and the UK stating that rescuing them was impossible due, to levels of water and carbon dioxide this brave individual decided to undertake a mission to save them.”