Mumbai: The Income Tax Department on Wednesday visited Bollywood actor Sonu Sood’s office and residence in Mumbai stating to conduct a survey. The visit termed at survey instead of a raid lasted for nearly 21 hours during which officials surveyed six locations linked to the actor.

As per the information given in by close sources, the IT visit was scheduled after a tax evasion was reported from Sood’s business. They claimed a recent deal between Sonu Sood’s company and a Lucknow based real estate firm to be under the scanner that is suspected to have infiltrated tax rules. However, neither Sonu Sood nor the IT officials were available for direct comments about the survey.

This survey by the IT dept comes in the backdrop of the recent meeting the actor had with Delhi CM Kejriwal following which he was announced as the brand ambassador for the state’s maiden children mentorship program ‘Desh Ke Mentors’. Tough speculation about the actor’s political debut arose; Sonu Sood in an interview squashed all such speculations stating his work is only for charity and goodwill.