New Delhi: A security setup similar to that used for the G20 summit will be implemented for the swearing-in ceremony of Narendra Modi as India’s prime minister scheduled for June 9, sources told ToI. Ground-to-air surveillance will be coordinated with intelligence agencies and the armed forces to ensure central Delhi’s security. Advanced intrusion alert systems, posture detection mechanisms, and covert snipers will all be employed, utilizing every possible resource to address the significant security challenges.

With paramilitary personnel, National Security Guard (NSG) commandos, drones and snipers at strategic locations, Rashtrapati Bhawan will be under a security blanket for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony on Sunday, Delhi Police officials said.

Dignitaries from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Mauritius, and Seychelles are expected to attend the ceremony.

The event will feature three-layered security: Delhi Police in the outer ring, paramilitary personnel in the middle, and internal security of the President’s House in the inner ring. Around 2,500 personnel, including five companies of paramilitary forces and Delhi Armed Police officers, will be deployed. Snipers, armed police personnel and drones will secure routes the dignitaries will take, said officers.

Furthermore, the movement of the carcade and the security of the route between the hotels and the ceremony venue are crucial. Each dignitary will receive a call sign disclosed on the day of the ceremony. This call sign will help in coordinating their movements to Rashtrapati Bhawan and Kartavya Path.

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