The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) declared the results of the Chartered Accountancy (CA) Final examination late Thursday night: several candidates achieved extraordinary scores. A total of 11,500 aspirants have cleared the Chartered Accountancy examination in this attempt, which is a major achievement in their professional lives.
Hyderabad’s Heramb Maheshwari and Tirupati’s Rishab Ostwal both have tied for the all-India first rank and scored 508 marks out of 600, which is equivalent to 84.67%. Riya Kunjankumar Shah, from Ahmedabad, achieved the second rank, scoring 501 marks out of 600 (83.50%), and the third position was claimed by Kinjal Ajmera from Kolkata, scoring 493 out of 600 (82.17%).
For the CA Final November examination, 66,987 students sat for Group 1. The overall passing percentages for the CA Final November examination Group 1 were recorded at 11,253, with a pass rate of 16.8%. In Group 2, 49,459 candidates sat for the test, and 10,566 candidates passed, giving a pass rate of 21.36%. Further, 30563 candidates appeared in both groups, out of which 4144 passed, so the overall passing percentage was 13.44%.
The findings suggest the level of difficulty that the CA Final examination has and the dread that comes with it. This statement separates the findings of the ICAI not only in accrediting the efforts of the top rankers but also for thousands of other aspiring and talented candidates who have successfully acquired the noble CA qualification. It is important to note that these newly qualified professionals will now join the nation’s professional workforce to contribute to the finance, auditing and accounting professional workplace.
That toppers have performed remarkably well, coupled with overall results bear testimony to the unimpeachable integrity of the ICAI, constantly replenishing the industry with skilled manpower.
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