Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) begins with the practical exams/Internal assessment/Project for class 10/12 for the session 2024-25 from today, January 1, 2025. The exams will be held with in the stipulated time frame between January 1 to February 14, 2025. In view of this, schools are required to follow certain necessary actions for timely conduct of the exam.
The Board has issued guidelines for the schools and has directed the schools to adhere strictly to the guidelines and ensure smooth and transparent conduct of the examinations. For clarifications, the CBSE has asked the schools to contact the regional offices “well in time”.
CBSE Class 10, 12 Practical Exams: Guidelines for schools
Schools must confirm the availability of sufficient practical answer books. Any shortages must be reported to the concerned CBSE regional office immediately.
Schools are required to inform students and parents about the practical exam schedule to ensure compliance with the Board’s instructions.
The students will appear in practical exam as per schedule fixed by school. The marks in respect of all practical examinations/project/internal assessment should be uploaded everyday i.e. on the day of conduct of assessment. Marks should be awarded to every student solely based on their performance.
While uploading the marks, the school, the Internal Examiner and the External Examiner must ensure that correct marks are uploaded as no correction in the marks will be allowed once marks are uploaded. Principals are requested to ensure that correct marks are uploaded as requests for correction of marks post result will not be entertained.
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