Today, March 25, 2025, the Bihar Board 12th Result 2025 for BSEB will be declared. At 1285 Hrs, the results for the Arts, Commerce and Science classes are likely to be announced officially. The official result websites and provide the results of students who were present in the Intermediate examination.

State Education Minister Sunil Kumar is expected to announce Bihar Board Inter results by way of a press conference. The Board will also disclose other key information such as the overall pass percentage, topper names in each stream, dates for the compartment exams and so on, with the results.

This year, around 12.92 lakh students have taken the Bihar Board Class 12 exams. There were 6,41,847 girls and 6,50,466 boys who appeared in the exams held at 1,677 examination centres spread out all over the state.

Bihar began its Class 12 board examinations from 1st February 2025 to 15th February 2025. Moreover, the theory exams were being conducted in two shifts: the first shift at 9 AM and the second shift at 2 PM daily. Between 9:30 AM and 9:45 AM in the first shift and 2:00 PM and 2:15 PM in the second shift, students were given 15 15-minute calm-down periods to carefully read the question paper.

The Bihar Board has made sure that everything is ready for an easy result announcing day in view of the fact that students have been eagerly waiting for their results. The roll number and roll code of students are advised to be kept handy by them so they can access their results effortlessly once released.

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