Congress supporter and independent MP Pappu Yadav slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) while campaigning for Congress candidate Anil Kumar from the Patparganj Assembly seat in Delhi ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections. Sounding sharp against the parties’ leadership and governance, Yadav accused both parties of working for their political gain at the cost of public welfare.
In a conversation with a news agency, Yadav accused the BJP, “Modi and the BJP have nothing to do with Purvanchal. The BJP’s four main issues – Hindu-Muslim polarization, Adani’s interest in finance, the use of EC to manipulate, and agencies like the ED and CBI, are at focus. They don’t care about the welfare of the country.”
He further piled on his criticism with a jibe at AAP founder and its leader, Arvind Kejriwal. “All I am saying is Bade miyan and Chote miyan, I have seen Narendra Modi lie in my life, but then Kejriwal has gone past him,” Yadav said, referring to both BJP and AAP. “He also made big promises that he wouldn’t forget his grassroots but turned out to be the biggest grassroots all across the globe. But it’s all been for nothing, his claims that he would transform Delhi – from Paris to city streets, cleaning the Yamuna, to Mohalla Clinics – have failed.”
Yadav then accused Kejriwal’s administration of rampant corruption, saying, “AAP has been the most corrupt government which has done the most corruption is the shortest period of time. Of course, BJP is corrupt, but there is no one like AAP when it comes to corruption.”
Pappu Yadav’s remarks underscore his unconditional support for Congress while he complains about the models of governance being executed by BJP and AAP. The fiery comments come as Delhi prepares for its crucial Assembly elections.
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