Recently, in Uttar Pradesh, a Sikh man was booked under FIR for sharing some pictures where he was holding weapons and supporting Khalistan. The accused Sikh, named Gursewak Singh from Sirsa of Haryana, has been booked under the respective sections of law, police said on Sunday.
SHO of Nagar Kotwali, Rajeev Kumar Singh, said, “An FIR has been lodged against the accused, Gursewak Singh. Further, investigation of the matter is still underway.”
It surfaced after Deepchandra, who was in charge of chowki, sent a written complaint to the city police about Singh’s activities on the social networking site. Based on this complaint, the authorities pressed other relevant charges against the accused and also cocooned it by stating how serious it was.
It has received much attention after the UP Police and Punjab Police conducted a joint operation in Pilibhit’s Puranpur area on December 23. In the course of this operation, three individuals suspected to be of the Khalistan supporter were neutralized. Later, it was alleged that this man, Singh, posted some sensitive items on the Facebook wall, including supporting Khalistan, which attracted a lot of attention.
Police have called on people against posting any material that is provocative to the public through social media as they said that they will not hesitate to arrest people who will go ahead and post such items. A police spokesperson said,” We are actively following social media to be able to neutralize anyone who wants to cause problems and or post messages regarding communal conflict or a separatist movement.”
They have also appealed to the general community to assist by reporting anything that may seem out of place over the internet. “Such incidents should be reported early enough once individuals who notice them, can help stop the spreading of such social divide narratives,” officials pleaded.
This incident is ideal for showing increased attention that the police have been paying to any activity that is potentially dangerous to the established order and security of the state.
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