A Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader was shot dead Saturday by unidentified assailants in Naraingarh, police said. On Friday evening, while BSP leader Harbilas Singh Rajjumajra and two friends, Puneet and Gugal, traveled in the latter’s car, the tragic incident took place.

The armed attackers ambushed the car and opened fire at its inhabitants, police say. Harbilas suffered critical injuries and was rushed, along with Puneet, who had gunshot wounds, to PGIMER, Chandigarh. Harbilas passed away despite medical treatment late in the night, and Puneet is reported to be out of danger. In the attack, Gugal escaped unhurt.

Police are investigating the attack but do not know who was behind it. Superintendent of Police Ambala, S.S. Bhoria, said a dedicated team has been formed to nab the culprits, while Naraingarh SHO Lalit Kumar reached the spot to gather evidence.

BSP leaders in Ambala have demanded speedy action on the shocking incident as the local community is hanging in the balance. A number of party members urged the police to give priority to the case and for the accused to be tried without any delay.

Last year, a leading figure in the region, Harbilas Singh Rajjumajra, was unsuccessful in contesting the assembly elections in Naraingarh. The sudden and violent death has led to rumors of safety and political violence in the area.

Authorities are investigating to learn why the attack took place and find the perpetrators. The incident has shocked Haryana, both politically and even from the citizens’ end, and every other person is calling for accountability for this.

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