New Delhi: The Pandav Nagar Police Station, in Delhi has filed a case involving the misappropriation of Rs 17,86,645 at a liquor store located in the Mayur Vihar Phase 2 shopping centre owned by the Delhi State Civil Supply Corporation Limited. On November 3, the corporation lodged a complaint against the Assistant Manager of the store. The complaint accuses the Assistant Manager of filing complaints under the SC/ST Act and instigating suicide to avoid providing accounts when requested. As a result the accused has been suspended.

According to Sandeep Solanki, Manager of Civil Supply Corporation, who filed a complaint with Pandav Nagar Police Station, Rakesh Kumar was assigned as in charge of the liquor store in Mayur Vihar Phase 2. 

Between September 1, 2022, and June 7, 2023, he allegedly misappropriated Rs 17,86,645 from government funds. During investigations conducted by department officials, discrepancies were found in the store’s records which led to a report being filed. However, when investigating officers asked for that report from Kumar he did not provide it, which revealed irregularities in managing the liquor shop.

This case sheds light on allegations of misconduct, by an Assistant Manager that poses challenges for Delhi State Civil Supply Corporation Limited.

The investigation will probably explore the details of the inconsistencies and the alleged mishandling of funds revealing the importance of transparency and responsibility, in managing taxpayer money.

In conclusion, the embezzlement case at the Mayur Vihar liquor shop underscores the importance of maintaining financial integrity and transparency in public institutions. The suspension of the Assistant Manager and the initiation of a thorough investigation by the authorities signify a commitment to accountability. Such incidents highlight the need for robust systems and checks to prevent misuse of government funds, ensuring that public resources are managed responsibly.

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