A government school teacher, Arbind Kumar Yadav, 52, was shot dead on Friday at Gopalganj, the local police said. Yadav, a middle school teacher in Jhhirwa Tola, was proceeding to teach at a middle school in Jhhirwa village in the Uchkagaon police station area when the unknown attackers attacked him. The gunmen accosted him on his motorcycle and shot him at least five bullets at close range before escaping from the scene.
An initial probe indicates that the murder could be politically related due to old rivalry in a political party. Superintendent of Police of Gopalganj district Awadhesh Dixit doubted that Yadav had political involvement in the attack as he was from a political family. His wife used to be the head of Jhhirwa panchayat, and his son Vishwajit Yadav is the current chief of Uchkagaon block. Before the current charges, Yadav also worked as the head of the Jhhirwa panchayat and continued political participation at the Hathua subdivision level.
Immediately after the attack, Yadav was taken to Hathua Sadar Hospital, where the doctors certified the death. Police have opened up a probe into the incident, as teams were deployed to surround and search for the culprit or culprits involved in the act. However, no arrests have been made so far.
Hathua SDPO Anand Mohan Gupta reached the crime scene and ordered a police team to solve the crime in an all-hill point of view. A forensic science laboratory team has been dispatched, as well as the dog squad for the purposes of collecting evidence in the case.
On the other side, Ranjan Yadav, a representative of the block chief, felicitated the police for not providing proper security to the victim as he had demanded security for the victim several times. He blamed the police administration for the murder and further said that if the killer was not caught at any specific time, then public representatives of the Hathua subdivision would set themselves on fire.
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