The Netflix boss, on Thursday, appraised Mukesh Ambani’s reliance jio network that changed the data market scenario of India. He said, “Nowhere in the world have data costs gone from one of the highest to one of the lowest in a span of just four years as they have in India. In fact, without the transformation brought about by Reliance Jio, Netflix’s business wouldn’t have worked in India”.

Hastings also said that the way people are using digital media has changed a lot over the past few years. “I would say the first one is people using the Internet at home, both [for] video conferencing and entertainment. All of that commute time is eliminated. And they’re not supposed to go out for social time. I would say people have gotten more curious about the world, because they see this, where did this pandemic come from? I have to think about the outside world. So there’ve been more interest in things happening around the world,” he said regarding the current digital trends.

At his plans for expansion in India, he said, “We’ve been growing every year, we’ve been just building our team, developing content, figuring out what works, whether that’s Sacred Games, or AK vs. AK, just lots of different types of content. We’re still in the learning phase. It’s just the beginning of where we want to be in India”. Indeed after the introduction of reliance Jio, the data usage scenario has changed a lot!