Bhopal: State Home Minister Narottam Mishra has directed Madhya Pradesh Police to look into the objections posed by the priests of Mahakaleshwar Temple. Priests of the temple had objected to online food delivery firm Zomato’s advertisement that featured Bollywood Actor Hritik Roshan.

Mr. Mishra said, “Prima facie, the advertisement video being circulated on social media seems morphed. I have told Ujjain’s Superintendent of Police to look into the reality of the video and report to meso that action can be initiated against the guilty”,

The priests had approached Ujjain Collector Ashish Singh, who is also the chairman to the Mahakal Temple Trust and sought action against the company.

Zomato had issued a statement on the controversy claiming that they shall withdraw the ad. “We offer our sincerest apologies, for the intent here was never to hurt anyone’s believes and sentiments”, the company issued an official statement.

Earlier on Saturday, two priests from the temple had demanded Zomato to withdraw the advertisent, claiming it is offending Hindu sentiments.