According to reports, the UK government is said to be close to reaching an agreement with Tata Steel, the leading steel manufacturer in the country. The agreement aims to provide assistance of £500 million, ensuring the continued production of steel in South Wales for years to come.

Insiders have shared information suggesting that a deal between officials from Whitehall and Tata Steel may be on the horizon. This potential agreement seeks to allocate over £1 billion towards supporting Tatas steelworks in Port Talbot. However, there are concerns that this deal could result in job losses for thousands of employees in the term.

Although the specific details of the agreement are still being finalized, there is optimism among insiders that it could be concluded within this month. Reports indicate that Tata Steel has been engaged in negotiations with the government urging them to increase their aid offer.

Under this proposed arrangement, approximately £500 million from funds would be allocated by the UK government to assist Tata Steel. At the time, Tata Steels’ parent company based in India would approve a capital expenditure of around £700 million over the years.

Currently, Port Talbot employs around 4,000 people, accounting for half of Tata Steels’ workforce across the UK. According to insiders who have an understanding of the discussions, it has been indicated that Tata Steel might be faced with the difficult decision of having to lay off, around 3,000 of its employees, in the United Kingdom over the next few years.