Ahead of the Parliament session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit back at the Opposition in a pointed address on Friday, January 31, saying, “No attempt was made from outside to stir the people before this Budget Session in 10 years…” In the Parliament complex, addressing the media, PM Modi said this has been the first session since 2014 in which no such foreign attempts to stir trouble took place. According to him, there are usually attempts to create mischief right before every session, but this time, they didn’t do so. He said there has been no foreign interference for the first time in a decade, which is trying to disrupt the Budget session.

These comments by PM Modi are a sharp dig at the opposition, which has been very vocal in criticising the government. India was resilient, but he said there was no shortage of people who wanted to escalate tensions. Though this was the case, the country had not stopped progressing.

He said the current government has worked in “mission mode” to progress India. According to him, the three pillars of the country’s economic activities are innovation, inclusion and investment. He said that these were the principles that underpinned the government’s economic roadmap for the future.

Speaking about the Union Budget 2025, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed the hope that it will fill in new energy and confidence into the pace of the nation’s development on the path of a Viksit Bharat by the year 2047 when India will be celebrating 100 years of independence. Giving the concluding speech, PM Modi appealed to his colleagues to make it to the expectations of the nation, saying, “This Budget will set the course for our goals and aspirations.”

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