Following a BJP complaint, the Election Commission of India has asked Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal to furnish proof backing his allegation that the BJP government in Haryana is responsible for Yamuna poisoning. The Election Commission, asked him to produce evidence by 8 pm today following a letter from BJP complainant, claiming it to be a serious allegation that could create animosity between states and carried a provision of a three-year jail term.
Earlier on Tuesday, Delhi chief minister Atishi posted on X, “Ammonia levels continue to be 6 times above normal in Yamuna waters, at the point it is entering Delhi from Haryana. Such levels are extremely toxic for the human body. This water cannot be treated and supplied to people of Delhi. Otherwise their lives will be at risk. Have once again written to the Election Commission asking for their intervention, to prevent this toxic water from coming to Delhi. Have also asked to for an urgent appointment for the same”.
The Election Commission, in its letter to the former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, raised similar concerns. “The electors tend to believe whatever is being said in public by their leaders and in that sense, the statement, if not true, affects the campaign discourse,” the letter read.
The Yamuna poisoning allegations are also “extremely serious in nature and unprecedented,” the letter added. “If true, this also has serious ramifications of creating enmity between regional groups, residents of neighboring states, threat of law-and-order situation due to actual or perceived shortage of non-availability of water,” the Commission wrote.
Is Yamuna Polluted?
Data and records from state agencies suggest that though Haryana does release water laden with ammonia into Delhi to an extent, this is largely due to systemic chinks in the region’s drainage networks and not a deliberate ploy. Further, while the Yamuna is polluted when it enters the Capital from the north, it leaves the city in significantly worse shape – Delhi contributes to 76% of the river’s overall pollution.
Experts and officials underscored that ammonia spikes (where its concentration crosses 1 part per million, or ppm) in Delhi’s water are regular and cyclical – the city has between 15 and 22 such episodes every year. Ammonia levels usually rise between December and March, when the river’s flow begins to slow down after the monsoon’s effects begin to recede.
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