Railing on Akhilesh Yadav, the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made a pointed remark on Tuesday. Referring to those taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj, Adityanath said even those with a ‘politics of appeasement’ who were previously viewed as an entity were now coming to participate in the Mahakumbh. Adityanath’s comments seemed intended at Yadav, who had dived into the Sangam a few days before.
Underlining the increasing participation by people from a diverse political background in the Mahakumbh, Adityanath said: “I am pleased that those who earlier used to disrespect the faith of India and were known for appeasement politics, those people are now eager to soak themselves in the holy Sangam of the Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati in search of ‘Punya’.”
He also added that the growing participation of opposition leaders in the current religious event is not a political victory but an indication of how Sanatan Dharma remains a strong political force. “This isn’t a question of win or lose. I would say it is proof of the eternal existence and power of the Sanatan Dharma, which is subsisting and inspiring,” he added.
But the Chief Minister also issued a warning that is expecting people who have not respected India’s faith to all of a sudden respect Sanatan Dharma would be a mistake.
The remarks from Adityanath came a day after Akhilesh Yadav visited Mahakumbh and took a holy dip at the Sangam and garlanded a statue of his father, SP’s founder Mulayam Singh Yadav, installed at the site. Appearing to be making his own statement of respect towards the religious occasion, Yadav also advised BJP leaders to go to the event with ‘sahanshilta’ or patience.
The political and religious symbolism around Mahakumbh during this exchange is growing.
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