Raipur: Pankaj Jha, Media Advisor to Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, has again attacked the Congress party with tremendous venom. This time, he accused Congress of copying a slogan used by the BJP in various elections. Jha penned a social media post on X claiming that Congress has no originality and has borrowed ideas from the BJP’s campaigns on their own.
We have repeatedly said that Congress (@INCIndia) has nothing of its own original, Jha wrote. They have even stolen the BJP’s (@BJP4India) slogan. This is unacceptable. The slogan was used by the BJP during electioneering in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and other states.”
Jha then posted an image for comparative studies in support of his claims. The BJP poster read, “Tayyari Puri Hai, BJP Zaruri Hai,” (Preparation is Complete, BJP is Essential) on one side of the image. One side shouted the Congress campaign poster for Delhi Assembly elections with the slogan ‘Dilli Mein Congress Hai Zaruri’ (Congress is Essential in Delhi).
A new controversy has now been sparked by the attested similarity between the two slogans. Congress is on the defensive after Jha’s pointed remarks and aggressive stance on social media. But the party has not responded to his allegations.
Jha’s position makes this situation more difficult for the opposition. As a party media advisor formally, it isn’t terribly likely that they would be keen to directly target him.
It comes as parties gear up for elections and adds to growing political friction. If the party deals with these allegations, and if this controversy plays a part in the political debate in the coming days, then it remains to be seen how.
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