Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav made a big announcement on Thursday (23 January 2025) that there will be a ban on liquor in 17 religious places of the state. In a program in Narsinghpur, he said that our government has resolved that we are announcing a ban on liquor in 17 different religious cities. Neither local nor foreign liquor will be sold in these religious cities. He said that – this fulfills our resolution on the basis of which we have decided to run our government.

The ban has been imposed on Devi Pitambara Peeth temple in Datia. Apart from this, there is a famous pilgrimage place of Jain community Sonagir where devotees from all over the country come. The government has decided to ban alcohol in Datia as well. The people here are very happy with this decision but are also apprehensive whether the decision will be fully implemented or not. Because former Chief Minister Shivraj Singh has also declared Datia as a holy city, yet non-veg items are sold in the area of ​​500 meters around the temple.

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