On Thursday Nitesh Rane created public outcry when discussing Saif Ali Khan’s residence attack claims in Mumbai. A Bangladeshi thief tried to steal from Saif Ali Khan’s house at his Bandra home but the actor received stab wounds during the incident according to reports. Through media channels Minister Rane expressed doubt about Saif Ali Khan’s reported injury being genuine.

“When I saw Saif Ali Khan returning from the hospital I suspected either a knife attack or acting. He was dancing while walking. Every time a Khan member suffers an injury headlines spread,” according to a news agency. People strongly oppose Rane’s comments because they believe he speaks cruelly and targets specific religious groups.

After debating the incident Rane took his analysis further. During his address Saif Ali Khan received the label “garbage” but Rane clarified that garbage deserves removal. He talked about how Bengali immigrants impact Mumbai life across his platform. “They entered Saif Ali Khan’s house. They performed their duty at road crossings but they now enter private homes. Maybe he came to take him (Saif) away. It is good, garbage should be taken away.”

As a BJP MLA’s remarks resurface public talks about immigration and safety in Mumbai while sparking debates on political speech behavior. Despite public reaction some people support Rane’s comments about illegal immigration yet many others reject his language as harmful. People respond enthusiastically across every social and political group to this event.

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