World: Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The armistice signals an end to the bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The Hamas-run health ministry documented 232 deaths which included 65 children after 11 days of bombardment. While in Israel only 12 people lost lives by the Palestinian militant fire from Gaza.

 “The Security Cabinet convened this evening. And accepted unanimously the recommendation of all security elements the Chief of Staff, the head of the Shin Bet, the Head of the Mossad, and the head of the National Security Council to accept the Egyptian initiative for a mutual unconditional ceasefire that will go into effect at an hour to be agreed upon later,” read the statement from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Palestinians who huddled in fear of shelling from the Israel’s, now rejoiced announcing their victory. In the early hours of Friday morning, mosque loudspeakers feted “the victory of the resistance achieved over the Occupation (Israel).”  Cars driving around East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah at dawn flew Palestinian flags and honked horns, echoing the celebratory scenes in Gaza. 

However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office made it clear on Thursday that its military will be instructed to restart its campaign against militant groups in Gaza if they are deemed to be failing to keep their side of the agreement.