A large-scale fire broke out in Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday, raising alarms among the devotees and the administration. This sad event took place in Sector 19 of the vast Mahakumbh tent complex that houses thousands of devotees each day. There have been no loss of lives so far, but the fire incidences have been disastrous, and the destruction was estimated to have engulfed as many as 20 to 25 tents.
Police said the incident occurred after a blast of cooking gas cylinders led to the fire. Seven people died while 18 others were injured in the blast that occurred at two cylinders of sector 19 of Maha Kumbh Mela, causing a huge fire in the camps, Station-in-charge of the Akhara Police Station Bhaskar Mishra said. Local emergency services arrived at the scene, and officers are currently putting out the fire.
Pictures from the site portrayed big columns of smoke rising into the air as people of the NDRF engaged themselves in the rescue mission. Police have sealed off the area to avoid further danger to the pilgrims.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister’s office has stated that Yogi Adityanath has not only come to know about the situation but also has asked officials to take necessary precautionary measures to provide security to all those who are attending the ceremony. It has emerged that the fire has been contained. However, the cause of the fire and the overall damage are still under assessment.
The religion involves the Kumbh Mela, which is one of the biggest pilgrimages known to mankind with a turnout of millions of people every year. Safety measures are being considered in a bid to avoid such incidents in the future since the event is pulling large crowds.
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