India’s ace javelin star Neeraj Chopra got married to Himani Mor and shared the images of the ceremony on his social media accounts. Neeraj Chopra took the big decision of getting married months after winning his second medal at the Olympics – a silver – in Paris.
Neeraj had kept the details about his wedding under wraps, and the first photos from his marriage took his fans on social media by surprise. Neeraj shared a heartwarming photo of his mother blessing him at the ceremony.
The wedding comes months after Neeraj Chopra won his second Olympic medal, a silver at the Paris Games. In 2021, Neeraj became the first Indian to win an individual gold medal in a track and field event at the Olympics.
Himani Mor is a former tennis player. Himani played the sport during her college days at Miranda House – Delhi University in New Delhi. Himani pursued Sports Management at Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana. She also pursued a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Sports and Fitness Administration/Management at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, New Hampshire, United States.
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