Denouncing the BJP again on Sunday, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi condemned what she called a murderous assault on AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal. She said the attacker, whose name was given as Rahul alias Sankey, is an associate of BJP’s New Delhi candidate Parvesh Verma, who has been campaigning for this election.

Yesterday, BJP goons pelted stones at Arvind Kejriwal’s car in New Delhi Vidhan Sabha. Naturally, if instead of her own skin, the stone had had a chance to hit someone, the latter might die of an attempt. That Rahul alias Sankey, who is seen in the attack, is an associate of Parvesh Verma and actively involved in his campaign,” Atishi said at a press briefing.

She also accused the attacker of being a criminal, listing the following charges against him. “This individual has several cases, including an attempt to commit robbery, which attracts up to seven years in prison, and charges under the Arms Act, which attracts two years in prison. There is also a case FIR in Shakarpur police station under 394, 397 r/w 34 that came up to 10 years of attempt to commit robbery and murder and another case in Paharganj police station. By identifying Mr Bhany, it is clear Arvind Kejriwal was to be targeted by a known criminal,” said Atishi.

The AAP chief claimed that the BJP indulged in violence and criminal cases during the whole process of the Delhi polls. She described this as an act of war on democracy and called upon the authorities to make it harder on the vandals.

Atishi also took on the BJP on the grounds of allowing people with criminal backgrounds to manipulate election campaigns. “This is not a Kejriwal issue but an attack on democratic principles. They have got it wrong about the people of Delhi. The people of Delhi will not tolerate such politics,” she said.

The aviation party most affected, AAP, has demanded an extra-safe investigation to reveal the supposed political agenda of the attack.

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