Indian film star Saif Ali Khan continues to be the subject of media attention after being brutally assaulted by an unknown man in his plush Bandra home in Mumbai in the wee hours of Thursday. More than 48 hours have passed since the crime took place, and the criminal is still unidentified while the more than 30 squads of Mumbai Police are doing everything possible. Police are escalating efforts, with no effort spared to bring to book the perpetrator of the cruel act.
Maharashtra’s Minister of State for Home (Urban) Yogesh Kadam has recently made the statement that the recent attack was not motivated by links to the underworld. This statement seeks to debunk some of the existing misconceptions about the celebrity-connected case and to assure the public that things are moving as they should.
Saif Ali Khan got stab injuries on his upper abdomen, left hand and neck. They took Saif to Lilavati Hospital in an autorickshaw after the attack occurred at around 2 a.m. on Thursday. He was operated in theatre in an emergency to address the injuries, and the medical team says the actor is already in recovery. Doctors at the hospital said that if he recovers without any complications, Saif should be discharged within the next two to three days.
The attack has caused concern and anger among the Bollywood fraternity as well as civilians, which can be seen on several social media platforms. Some questions arise, such as the actor’s security and the possible objectives of the attack, which need to be answered while investigating the case.
Mumbai Police are tightening security near the stampede spot and are analysing CCTV grabs, interviewing the witnesses or anyone who might know something about the suspect. This has created more issues and concerns in the aspect of security in Mumbai, especially in the affluent areas to ensure security is enhanced.
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