Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 on Friday, asserting the government’s vision to modify India’s infrastructure and mobility. Addressing the event in the national capital, PM Modi also noted the provision made in the last budget of ₹11 lakh crore for infrastructure, other measures like the PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan and the National Logistics Policy. To this end, he said these efforts are critical in knitting a far better connected and effective transport logistics in India.

With the ongoing expo featuring more than 489 suppliers at Dwarka Yashobhoomi and nearly 300 companies at India Expo Mart in Greater Noida, over half a million visitors are expected over the next five days. Since then, it has been expected that the event will unveil many new products and services, especially the prowess of technology in the automotive and Logistics Industries.

During the inaugural session of the inaugurals of the mission, Prime Minister Narendra Modi remarked that “Ease of travel is now a major priority for India” and added that technology had played a big part in enhancing the productivity of the transportation sector. He instanced the Fastags system for electronic toll collections and the National mobility card as some of the advances that India has made in giving travel a more convenient look.

India is the third-largest passenger vehicle market worldwide, and PM Modi said the time is ripe for the auto industry in the country. He further said this growth is a result of a large youth population, increasing middle-income groups, urbanization and relatively easy access to vehicles through Make in India.

The Prime Minister also talked about the Make in India and the Production Linked Incentive Scheme, saying both have created Sales worth Rs. 2.25 Lakh Crore and have Direct Employment of 1,50,000 in the Automobile Industry.

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