Khandwa: A tragic two-wheeler mishap occurred in the Khandwa district of Madhya Pradesh on Thursday night, claiming the lives of three young men. This took place around the Jawar police station when they hit their bike with a speeding tractor near Tapovan Hotel on Jawar-Kehlar road around 8-9 o’clock in the evening.

The accident was pretty nasty, and the three friends were thrown off a bike and onto the road, where they subsequently died. Fortunately, local people came immediately and asked them to take the injured men to the district hospital using an ambulance. But, in all three cases, having been treated at the hospital, all the doctors stated that the three were dead on arrival.

The news of the accident quickly reached out to everyone, and sorrow overwhelmed the families and everyone else in the community. A large crowd gathered at the hospital as people attempted to grasp the shocker which occurred earlier on. Eyewitnesses have said that the occurrence was heinous and made anyone who came across the sight feel terrible.

In this regard, the Jawar police have lodged an FIR and begun an investigation of the event. The bodies have been secured for autopsy, and other details are being sought concurrently. Initial investigations have shown that the victims were coming from Kehlar to Khandwa’s side when the tragedy occurred as they were knocked down by a tractor.

This ugly incident has pulled the community’s heartstrings and left everyone sympathizing with the loss of three young souls. Authorities are trying to establish the exact details of the accident and if the tractor driver was at all to blame.

It is for this reason that the event brings into focus issues of road safety and appropriate measures to be taken to avoid such losses in the future.

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