The CJM court in Chirang districts in Assam cleared all the backlogs and aims to have no backlog filed by the end of the year 2024, as mentioned in the news agency. When the country’s pending cases in the district and subordinate courts have crossed a whopping 4.5 crore, indicates the National Judicial Data Grid, these steps to overcome the judiciary backlog are a big win.

Judicial delays are another familiar reality in India: a term coined from the Bollywood movie Damini called ‘tarikh pe tarikh’. There is a faint light at the end of the tunnel; the Chirang CJM court’s achievement can enable the solution of this problem.

Specific details of this achievement were described by the Public Prosecutor, Nandita Basumatari of the Chirang District Court. This, she noted, was at a time when the court had 143 cases pending before it as of the 1st of January 2024. For the entire year, it accumulated an additional 687 cases, which is why there are 830 cases in total. Nonetheless, through a congested calendar, the court was able to clear all these cases and discharge its duties by the end of December 31, 2024.

“It can be credited to the hard work and effectiveness of the judiciary in the Chirang district. It is a move towards the rehabilitation of the legal system by ensuring justice on time for everyone,” Basumatari said in an interview with a news agency.

However, the success of the Chirang court is being hailed as an example for all other courts in the country to follow by providing efficiency and organization to the case management process, with a focus on effectively managing pendency. Lawyers and members of the public would like to believe that this success story will spread across the other districts enabling them to offer much-needed relief to a system that has been labelled as slow by many citizens. Sure, this has given an indication that it is surely not a herculean task to address the problem of backlog of cases in India if more concerted efforts are made.

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