Agra: An oven blast at a bread factory in the Hariparvat area’s Transport Nagar, Agra, on Thursday morning injured 13 workers, out of which three were severely, police said. The explosion was at the Medley Bread Factory, which is a large factory where bakery bread is baked using a number of large gas-fed ovens. The event occurred at about 1:00 PM, and at the time, there were more than twenty workers in the factory.
“The loud noise produced by the explosion was so loud that people within the several kilometres of confusion started to fill the area. According to the testimonials, the oven exploded, and the fire, along with the parts of the factory, flew around the room. I remember the moment: we were working as in the everyday practice, and then the oven simply exploded. The ovens are operated by gas, and it appeared that there might have been some leakage,” added the factory manager, Jitendra, regarding the possible occurrence of the explosion.
As soon as people from the surrounding areas heard the loud explosion, many residents ran towards the factory to help in rescue operations. Most of the injured workers were treated and taken to the hospital through the use of ambulances and other private cars. Some of them fell, and many of them had burns and injuries from the impact.
DCP City Suraj Rai said, “Thirteen workers have been obliged to be discharged to the hospital and three of them are in a critical state. At present, the respondents are confined in a private hospital getting treated for their illnesses. A probe has also been carried out to establish the root cause of the blast,”
The factory is still closed today as authorities try to determine the cause of the fire, either by the workers’ carelessness or faulty equipment. However, people of that region have criticized the safety standards of the factory and thus called on the management to tighten safety measures to avoid frequent mishaps in the future.
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