The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday arrested Chhattisgarh’s former excise minister and present Congress MLA Kawasi Lakhma for close to ₹2,161 crore for a liquor scam. The arrest happened after the ED investigations threw light on several instances of alleged corruption and mischievous activities when he was serving as the excise minister.

The ED accused Lakhma of being another prominent beneficiary of the proceeds of the scam, stating that the accused used to receive vast sums of cash monthly. The supposed fraud is believed to have occurred between 2019 and 2022, as intermediaries requested and received unlawful commissions and bribes. As per the agency, this amount was received from the distillers against favourable procurement terms availed through the Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Limited (CSMCL), the state-owned and operated entity for procurement and supply of liquor.

Consequently, during its investigation of the ED, a web of unlawful activities was established, which contributed to the attainment of unlawful earnings. A network of extortion was established for each case of liquor in the CSMCL procurement, where several people benefited, among them being Lakhma. The central agency says it was channelled through other means to hide its source and best protect the beneficiaries.

Critics have raised political issues around the scam, though the opposition BJP alleged that the ruling Congress party has deep-rooted corruption in the state. On the other hand, Congress leaders have complained that the ED submitted harassment charges against them inspired by politics as a tactic to impune the party before elections.

This is an excellent achievement in the existing investigation process since the ED is still investigating the case and unearthing other culprits. The agency has once again vowed to transact the accountability agenda and the recovery of the proceeds of crime. Lakhma’s arrest is likely to raise further concerns from a cross-section of society, particularly on the manner in which the state’s liquor business is managed as well as those political masters who supervise the vices.

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