Chhindwara: It was on Tuesday in the Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh that a major accident occurred. In the Khunajhir Khurd village, one half-constructed well for drilling caved down and buried three labourers alive. The operation has been going on for the past 15 hours, and the NDRF has been part of the rescue operation. Doctors and ambulances are on site and are willing to assist the trapped workers in the area as much as they can.
The labourers are in a state where they are about 30’ down in metallic containers, fighting for their lives. All efforts possible are being used to ensure they are rescued. This tragedy happened when debris was being extracted from the old well in order to conduct some repair work. The clearing work was at progress when the well suddenly fell down at an unexpected time. Some of the labourers were able to flee, while three others were trapped under the debris; women and men were among the victims.
He said that he has four ambulances on site, and increased efforts are being made to evacuate trapped workers. “I believe all three of the labourers will be brought out alive,” he stated. NDRF is continuously trying for the rescue of the persons, and a 30-member NDRF team is working on the same.
The rescue mission has been compounded over time since the area is unstable and the depth of the building collapsed. Governments are trying their best, using technologies and methodologies to counter any more incidents in the rescue. This sad event is a good example of the danger that working people experience during construction and repairs and the need for increased measures to protect such activity. People and governments wish and pray that the trapped workers should be rescued safely.
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