Mahakumbh: Kicking off the third day of the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj, thousands of devotees were seen flocking the ghats of Triveni Sangam on Wednesday morning to take a holy dip at the confluence of three rivers. Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that on Tuesday, which was the first day of the ‘Amrit Snan’ of Mahakumbh, over 3.5 crore devotees took a holy dip in the Sangam. Helicopters were seen showering rose petals on the devotees after the Amrit Snan concluded on Tuesday evening.
“Today, on the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti (Khichdi), a festival symbolizing the country’s rich heritage and cultural unity, more than 15 lakh devotees at Shri GorakhnathMndr offered the holy Khichdi of faith to Shiva avatar Mahayogi Guru Shri Gorakhnath ji. Congratulations to the local administration and police administration, Municipal Corporation of Gorakhpur, all religious-social organizations, and volunteers for the successful organization of the festival. May Lord Bhaskar bring the light of progress in everyone’s life, this is my prayer”, wrote CM Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday.
Thousands of personnel have been deployed from the Uttar Pradesh police in order to maintain security at the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj for the course of 45 days. The police has deployed 11 tethered drones and anti-drone, that is counter-drone, systems to enhance aerial surveillance and crowd management across the huge Mela ground. DGP Prashant Kumar said that up to 50 crore people are expected to arrive at Prayagraj to attend the mela, including over 20 lakh foreign travelers. An ATS para commando team has been deployed at the area, and water security has been increased amid high influx of tourists.
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