Mungeli: Live video has surfaced from the Kusum Iron Factory in Rambod village Mungeli district; the video was shot after the horrific incident which occurred on Thursday afternoon. The accident, which took place at 1:06 PM, led to much chaos at the site. More of the rescue operation is seen in a video where some workers trapped under the Silo are pulled out by the rescue teams.

The operation went on for the second day as authorities were still struggling to search for bodies and remove the debris. Three high-capacity cranes have been hired from Raipur and Bhilai to lift the silo to speed up the enforcement operation. The District Collector Rahul Dev, SP Bhojraj Patel, and District Panchayat CEO Prabhakar Pandey are involved right from the operation to the site level. It is being led by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and backed by the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) along with other local officials. Authorities estimate that there could be 4-5 labourers trapped under the silo still.

Two employees have been declared missing by the factory and are named as Awadhesh Kashyap and Jayant Sahu. Unfortunately for the people of Mwinga, one of the injured workers died while receiving medical attention. The event has drowned the local populations and families of workers in sorrow and grief.

Reports said that the Maharashtra Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai had mourned the loss of lives. He has told other officials to quickly respond and coordinate rescue missions to those in need. The administration will bring all the necessary support and equipment to families and ensure the rescue is done as quick as possible.

The sad incident has triggered the Minister and management to start asking questions about Safety/environmental concerns in industries and the welfare of workers. This is why authorities are said to investigate the cause of the mishap, and the necessary steps to ensure similar calamities do not occur again. On the other side, the rescue teams stay oriented with the aim of saving as many human beings as possible.

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