Allu Arjun and director Sukumar’s blockbuster film Pushpa 2: The Rule entered 2025 with the sharp increase in the box office figures on its first month operations. The business of the film rose appreciably on the opening day as compared to the collections made on the previous day due to holiday effect on January 1. As per trade reports it collected ₹ 13.15 crore nett on its 28th day and proved that it still has power to attract the audience.
The Hindi version added heavily to the day’s tally having made ₹9.5 crore of nett business while the original Telugu version grossed ₹3.15 crore nett. This jump brought up the film’s gross to a staggering ₹774.65 cr nett in the 28 days period in India. Among regional form, only Telugu version made business of ₹330.53 crore, Tamil was ₹57.65 crore and Kannada version was ₹7.68 crore. All in all, Pushpa 2 has gross collections of ₹1,184 crore nett in India from all the languages.
Globally, it is firmly on track to cross the ₹2,000 crore gross globally very soon. Featuring as Pushpa 2, the film hit the theatres on December 5, 2024 and since then its has been going all out influencing records on the Indian and global box-office. These have added a Hollywood finish to Allu Arjun’s pan India stardom after the film exploded massively in the Hindi belt.
The trade pundits said that collections would ramp up during the New Year holidays and it proved true. Its strong hold on audiences and phenomenal box office performance reflect the widespread love for the sequel, which builds upon the legacy of its predecessor, Pushpa: The Rise.
A captivating plot, outstanding acting, and exquisite videography have made Pushpa 2 one of the most popular movies to date. As the film progresses into new records the movie becomes one of the most successful films in the history of Indian film Industry.
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