The mortal remains of the former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh were carried to his residence in Delhi on Friday morning in preparation for public viewing. The former prime minister breathed his last at AIIMS, New Delhi, on Thursday night at around 10 PM alive when admitted to the medical facility late Thursday in a critical state. The doctors at the AIIMS applied a process of embalming to the body, and it will be kept at the residence of the person for public darshan before the last rites are performed.
Sandeep Dikshit, a congress leader, stated that he has not yet had the details of when the body is to be taken out in public and when cremation will take place. He said that this arrangement would be finalized once Dr. Singh’s daughter, who is from abroad, reaches out in the afternoon or in the evening. There are unconfirmed reports that the last rites for the patients who have given up are to be administered tomorrow. Dikshit further said that there may be problems due to rain; it could commence after 10 this morning.
The parade of condolences has been massive, cutting across all levels of leadership and the citizenry of this great nation and the world at large. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a touching tweet on X, said, “India loses one of its greatest leader in Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji.” He drew special attention to the growth of Banwari Singh into an economically influential man and worldwide known economist, and, moreover, the leader who departed great changes. PM Modi paid rich tribute to Singh for being one of the architects of India’s economic era as Finance Minister and Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, President Droupadi Murmu, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Rahul Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, among several leaders, offered their homage while remembering his commitment to the nation and his contribution to economic liberalization. Other business magnates like Gautam Adani and Harsh Goenka knew that he was an architect for the liberalization of the Indian market that made the nation into an international market.
The humble leader emergence of Dr. Manmohan Singh, an honorable man with vision, is still trustworthy by millions of people.
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