Hyderabad police arrested popular Telugu actor Allu Arjun on Friday in connection with a tragic stampede-like incident that occurred during the premiere of his latest film, Pushpa-2: The Rule, on December 4. The tragedy happened in the Sandhya Theatre, which is situated at the famous RTC Crossroads in Hyderabad; the woman, Revathi, 35, died from suffocation, and her small son, Sri Teja of nine, was taken to the hospital in critical condition due to asphyxia.
Revathi was among the large audience that had thronged the theatre with her son to see Allu Arjun, who was present at the theatre with co-star Rashmika Mandanna and his wife Allu Sneha Reddy. The large assembly of people and lack of proper measures to control the crowd density were claimed to have caused confusion and an approximate stampede-like structure. It has awakened people across the country to the measures that are satisfactory with regard to security in public functions and film shows.
After the report lodged by Revathi’s family, a case under Sections 105 and 118(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) was registered against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the management of Sandhya Theatre at the Chikkadpally police station. The police said this was due to negligence in the management of the big congregation that led to the occurrence of the unfortunate event.
Now that Sri Teja, Revathi’s son, is under the hospital’s care, people, especially fans and the public, are responding to the news. Some observed breeches have led to many people asking the event organizers and the theatre management why they failed to ensure adequate safeties were in place.
This sad event has also revived controversy over the cases of celebrities’ performances at functions and discussions about how access to such conditions might be limited in the future. As the case progresses forward, Allu Arjun’s leading lawyer will try to defend these charges, yet the unfortunate loss of life has made an imprint on the otherwise successful career of the actor.
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