On Wednesday, Congress MP and LoP in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi called on Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla and requested that he delete the foul language used by some BJP Members of Parliament against him. Speaking to the media in the Parliament complex, Gandhi said, “I asked the Speaker to delete the outrageous statements made about me. The Speaker to which I spoke promised me he would take a closer look at the issue.”

He said the BJP members are bent on leveling false allegations against other political parties but hot the Congress will not resort to misconduct in the house of Legislation no matter the provocation. ” The BJP make unreasonable accusations, but we have decided to let the House run irrespective of the kind of provocation they resort to,” said Gandhi.

The Congress leader also added that he wanted constructive meetings in the parliaments – especially on the Constitution – on December 13. “However, whatever provocation they do, we will allow them. But we will try to run the house. What we want is a debate and discussion. We demand there should be a debate on the Constitution on December 13,” he emphasized the party’s principles of call for debate.

His remarks are at a time when House business has almost come to a standstill with the government engaged in a barrage of verbal attacks on the Opposition. The glorified concerns involve billionaire industrialists George Soros and Gautam Adani, and both sides of the conflict have begun to swap accusations.

The boycott was also taken to the Rajya Sabha, where the house was suspended for the day after some raging exchanges between the two parties. One of the major bones of contention was the impeachment motion against Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, which really turned up a new page of hostility between the Centre led by the BJP and the Opposition.

However, the attempt of Rahul Gandhi to visit the Speaker proves that the Opposition is ready to dedicate itself to serious discussions and maintaining parliamentary dignity even under current political tensions.

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