Raipur: During his one-day visit to the state, the BJP National President JP Nadda will inaugurate a new office for the party in Chhattisgarh on December 13. Its state unit is already preparing for his visit. In this connection, the crucial meeting was fixed two days before his arrival on December 11 at 6 pm at the BJP office in Boriyakala (Kushabhau Thakre complex). This meeting is reported to bring together the inner circle members of the party, and attendants are reported to have been specially invited.

Speaking about the topics that will be raised during the meeting, it will be necessary to note that the Nadda schedule and critical decisions on the organizational elections will be discussed. Also, at the meeting, the statues of BJP founders, which had been renovated at the BJP office, will be re-inaugurated. JP Nadda will go there and release these newly developed statues. He is also likely to visit the Kushabhau Thakre complex in Indore, where he may go over the organizational work of the party’s state unit and take stock of the BJP’s position against the state government.

This particular meeting has considerable value since two ministerial seats in the state cabinet remain empty, and this issue is still debated. BJP MLAs who eye ministerial berths feel that such decisive meetings will enable them to arrive at important decisions in relation to cabinet expansion as well as the appointment of those who will be taken to corporations, boards and commissions. These decisions may be taken with approval by the national president.

Nadda’s visit is also timely since the state assembly session will commence on December 16, and notifications for municipal elections are expected before December 31. These developments bring a strategic dimension into the meeting because they will hear the party’s blueprint on how to deal with governance and election issues in the state.

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