Speaking to the electorate in Bihar during the ongoing assembly polls, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav has assured the people that his party would increase social security pensions by a large margin if voted to power in Bihar. The current Leader of Opposition in the state assembly and former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, Mr Tejashwi Yadav, also claimed that over time, the amount being given to the beneficiaries under various social security schemes will be increased more than three-fold.
Rating this scheme, the senior citizens, widows and disabled persons who earlier received a mere ₹400 per month would now receive ₹1,500 per month. If voted into power after the assembly polls next year, people above 60 years of age, disabled and widows, will get ₹ 1,500 every month through social security schemes, CPI(ML) leader Yadav said while addressing an election rally.
They said that the existing pension amount is ‘meagre’ and underlined the requirement of applying more substance for the weaker sections of society. He also referred to the record of his party as far as the implementation of their pledges is concerned, tuned to the fact that his party has always delivered if given a chance to be at the helm of affairs.
The RJD, which is one of Bihar’s major political parties, has lost the majority of the previous twenty years outside yet is still one of the leading parties with regard to electoral influence. It is also a member of the ruling alliance in the neighbouring state of Jharkhand, where the coalition has recently emerged victorious in the assembly polls under Hemant Soren. The coalition’s popularity was attributed partly to its social security schemes, an issue that has captured the imagination of the electorate.
With assembly polls scheduled to be held next year, Tejashwi Yadav’s assurance means that the election plank of the RJD will centre around creating awareness among the masses about different welfare measures to improve its chances with the voters belonging to the socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society in Bihar.
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