Sarguja: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai will come to the Sarguja division today to launch Anna Kosh Yojana. This pilot project should be expected to help the women of the Pahadi Korwa tribe because they are a particularly vulnerable tribal population. The scheme is aimed at decreasing the rates of maternal and infant mortality through supplementing food with exclusive sets of additives for pregnant and lactating women. These measures are expected to enhance the general health status of beneficiaries with the added Bonus of extending health care. The scheme shall be piloted in the Sarguja district before the implementation spreads to another part of the state.

While on his tour, CM Sai visit Manendragarh, Bharatpur, Chirmiri, and Ambikapur, where he will preside over some programmes during which he is expected to launch or first prosecute developmental and infrastructural projects. The Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Arun Sao, will be with him and will also be part of these events. Several beneficiaries under different government schemes will be provided educational kits and financial assistance, and more than 4 thousand beneficiaries will be given scholarships and learning materials. Besides, CM Sai will deliver a social conference at the divisional level focusing the government on welfare activities.

The paddy procurement process in Chhattisgarh starts today. Farmers have now gotten relief as they have complained of problems lifting their produce. Rice millers and the state government have put in place an agreement that will enhance the easy sale of rice by farmers without hurdles. The government has also met the needs of rice millers, and there are no hitches in the miller’s operations.

Meanwhile, Vijay Sharma will visit Balod district; he is expected to have a meeting with the District BJP executive committee and officials. Sharma will also attend an inauguration ceremony, which has generated alot of elan among some party officials. It is considered strategic to assess the level of compliance with the various government programs on his visit.

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