The main officials of All India Industry Trade Board and Uttar Pradesh Youth Industry Trade Board Lucknow Metropolitan held a meeting in the Lucknow University campus. During this, the National President of All India Industry Trade Board and former minister Sandeep Bansal appealed to the people of Lucknow to reach the Lucknow University campus in the public outrage rally organized in protest against the Hindu genocide in Bangladesh and the attack on temples.

Sandeep Bansal also appealed to the entire business community of Lucknow to close the market for half a day to show their solidarity against the violence against Bangladeshi Hindus. Expressing their anger against the burning of Hindu temples, destruction of idols and looting of property by targeting Hindus in Bangladesh, they have decided to reach the Jan Akrosh Rally on December 10 in large numbers. And they have decided to close their establishments for half a day.

Hindu organizations across the country are raising their voice against the atrocities being committed on Hindus in Bangladesh. Recently, the Vishwa Hindu Raksha Parishad took out a padyatra in Lucknow and gave a strong message of Hindu unity. During this, the Vishwa Hindu Raksha Parishad asked the Prime Minister to raise this issue at the international level.

Protests In US

Meanwhile, Several Indian-Americans plan to hold peaceful rallies in the U.S. capital and Chicago over the next two days to protest the attacks against Hindus in Bangladesh, organisers have said.

The march protesting the ‘Genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh’ is being organised by HinduAction near the White House on Monday, December 9, while the ‘Stop the Genocide: Save Hindu Lives in Bangladesh’ is being organised by eminent community leaders in Chicago on Sunday, December 8.

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