On Saturday, the United States refused to consider claims made by India’s ruling party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) owners and referred to them as disappointing. The BJP claimed the other day that the US State Department and a so-called ‘deep state’ had joined hands with worldwide journalists with the aim of creating anarchy in India by plotting against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and industrialist Gautam Adani.
The BJP made these allegations in a set of posts on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday. The party said that Congress led by Rahul Gandhi is conspiring along with the OCCRP and other international media outlets targeting Modi and Adani. In the case of the BJP’s alleged ‘betrayal’ by The Caravan, the BJP specifically pointed to reports in a news agency and the OCCRP about Adani Group business in Kenya and Myanmar and claimed that the US State Department had funded it as part of an effort to destabilize India.
In response, a US Embassy official in New Delhi denied the allegations and described them as unsuitable, coming from the ruling party in India. The spokesperson also added that for developing professional capacity and for training of journalists, the US has partnerships with other independent organizations. “That kind of programming does not control the editorial content of these organizations,” said the official.
The principal spokesperson said, “Media freedom is still sacred in the US, and this country has continued to support freedom of the press across the globe. The liberty and freedom for the press is a significant block of any democracy, as it provides for constructive discussion and checks and balances on leadership.”
The statement affirms the United States government’s respect for journalistic freedom and unveiled the allegations that they are involved in India’s internal affairs. This also recognizes the key importance of media freedom in the operation of democracy around the world.
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