On Sunday morning, the bullet-ravaged dead bodies of two policemen were found in a police jeep in Jammu & Kashmir’s Udhampur town. A news agency reported that the incident was being investigated as fratricide – a killing of one’s brother. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Udhampur, Amod Ashok Nagpure, confirmed that the incident occurred at approximately 6:30 AM. The personnel from Sopore were on their way to the Talwara training centre when the incident occurred.

The first analysis showed that the attacker used an AK-47 rifle to open fire, in which two policemen were killed. Another officer accompanying them was also uninjured. The SSP informed that the dead officers will be taken for postmortem and other necessary formalities to GMC Udhampur. Nagpure also said that the incident has been classified as fratricide, but among the two, suicide is also being considered. The authorities are involved in investigating the circumstances because the truth can be revealed.

This sad occurrence comes on the heels of another gruesome act in Jammu a few days ago when the body of an SPO working with the SOG was discovered by the Wave Mall. The deceased, Kamaldeep Singh from Kathua district, was 21 years old and went to take the written test for a constable post in Jammu. According to the reports, after the exam, he went on to call his father for money to shop for a wedding.

Kamaldeep’s father has approached multiple authorities, accusing that foul play has been involved; therefore, he has written to the Lieutenant Governor, Director General of Police, and SSPs of Kathua and Jammu to step up with further investigations. He encouraged them to search the mall CCTV video to determine what happened. These two cases in succession ,have, therefore, elicited debate on the internal volition and security of the police officers in the region.

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