Union Minister of State for Defence Sanjay Seth on Saturday said that he was threatened to pay ₹50 lakh as ransom. The threat was further accompanied by a message from an unknown number and a threat to his life as well. Seth, who is also the Lok Sabha MP from Ranchi, also lodged a complaint with Delhi Police and Jharkhand DGP about the incident.

”I have already reported the matter to Delhi Police as well as Jharkhand DGP. Senior Delhi Police officials, including a Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), came to meet me, and I gave them full details on this,” said Seth to the media men. However, in the same message, the minister claimed that the threat did not in any way affect him.

The event has raised concern from various political authorities. Ranchi MLA CP Singh said the situation is serious and called upon the administration to initiate a search operation to nab the culprits involved in the extortion bid. “I got a threat and a demand of ₹50 lakh this morning,” he said. Singh commented that the administration must be responsive to this issue and show such elements to the audience. He also appealed to the state government to make proper security measures in regard to the Union minister.

Jharkhand Congress spokesperson Rakesh Sinha also expressed similar sentiments, saying it is grave. He appealed to the Union Home Ministry to wade into the matter and guarantee that the threat would be fully investigated.

It has sparked debates on whether political employees are secure enough and whether crime is becoming increasingly audacious. Delhi and Jharkhand police have been further under pressure to find out the origin of this threat and protect the minister.

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