The Rajya Sabha Chairman, Jagdeep Dhankhar, read out details in the House on Friday of an unusual occurrence or an encounter, as he described it, while under the usual anti-sabotage security check. Security personnel found a bundle of currency notes from seat number 222, which is occupied by Congress MP and senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi at present. The discovery was made after the House was adjourned on Thursday. Chairman Dhankhar said that the matter has been treated seriously and investigation is being conducted for further details.
“I wish to inform the members that during the anti-sabotage search conducted by security agencies in this house after yesterday house was adjourned, was recovered from seat number 222, which is occupied by Abhishek Manu Singhvi, member of parliament for the state of Telangana. It was drawn to my attention, and I wanted to make sure that an inquiry has been started,” vice presidential candidate Dhankhar said in the Rajya Sabha.
Regarding the development, Abhishek Manu Singhvi described the situation as ‘bizarre’ and said he did not have anything to do with it. When talking to reporters, he explained his brief absence in Parliament that day and appeared surprised by the discovery.
“The last is kind of shocking to take any credit; I am quite astonished to even hear about it. I’m not familiar with it at all. I reached inside the House yesterday at 12:57 pm, while the House adjourned at 1 pm. From 1 to 1:30 pm, I was free to have lunch, and I had it in the canteen with Ayodhya Prasad. At 1:30 pm, I left Parliament. For instance, I spent only three minutes in the House yesterday and thirty minutes in the canteen,” Singhvi continued.
The incident has drawn the attention of many people, especially lawmakers, to discuss. Singhvi himself, in his statement during the investigation, confirms that he was not present in the chamber for a long time such that he could be associated with the wad of currency notes.
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