While rumours of disunity in the INDIA bloc in Uttar Pradesh are rising, reacting to this issue on Thursday, SP chief and Kannauj MP Akhilesh Yadav said the alliance partners were in complete unity. He stressed that his party and Congress will participate jointly in the future by-polls across the state. After offering his respects at his father’s residence and the founder of the Samajwadi Party, Mulayam Singh Yadav, on his second death anniversary, Akhilesh Yadav addressed the media, denying any cracks in the alliance. The INDIA bloc remains unchanged in Uttar Pradesh. He added that in the by-elections to be held in UP, the Samajwadi Party and Congress would be our allies.

On 9 October, the Samajwadi Party declared its candidates for six by-election constituencies, including Karhal, Sisamau, Katehari, Phulpur, Milkipur and Majhawan. But this has brought a reaction from Congress, with the state in charge, Avinash Pandey, complaining of a lack of communication between the two sides. Pandey said that Congress was not consulted before the candidate was announced, and there was no discussion with the coordination committee of the INDIA bloc.

As a fact it is correct that zero information was passed onto us concerning this decision. Unfortunately, there has not been any communication with the coordinational committee of the INDIA alliance. However, the Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee will respect anything the coordination committee decides about regarding the distribution of seats and contesting the elections. While not overbearing, the BJP is completely confident about Uttar Pradesh, Party Secretary Volatility Om Prakash Pandey said. He said that the preparations for the elections were made and that there were many opportunities for forming a coalition up to election day.

UP Congress President Ajay Rai also endorsed Pandey’s statement, saying that the central leadership should make the decision regarding an alliance. ”The relation with the Samajwadi Party will continue as before,” Rai added.

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