The sources said that the Enforcement Director (ED) may file charges against Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in connection with an alleged money laundering racket under the MUDA scam on Monday, a news agency reported. Referencing authorities in its report, the organisation predicted that the central agency is gearing up to act under PMLA.

Siddaramaiah, his wife Parvathi, brother-in-law Mallikarjuna Swamy, and Devaraju in whose land from whom Swamy had alleged purchased some land which was later gifted to the CM’s wife, have been named in an FIR lodged last week by the Lokayukta police. This FIR has brought further investigation, ED is likely to file its own Enforcement Case Information Report(ECIR) shortly.

The ED has entered it as it is empowered to probe the alleged money laundering activities under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), its charter. By operational protocols, the ED has the power to compel individuals with names in the case of coming for interrogation and even freeze their assets in the process of doing their work. If taken, the state congress might force Siddaramaiah to face a detailed investigation involving accounts and assets related to the MUDA scam.

The main focus of the alleged scam is the sale and transfer of lands that are situated in the Mysuru Urban Development Authority region which is accused of the contractual dealings of the land. The politically toned case has been given an added spin by Siddaramaiah’s family members being named in the FIR.

The expected move of the ED has come at the right time to put pressure on the administration of the Karnataka Chief Minister. While the case is still under investigation, political and legal repercussions arising from involving a high-ranking state officer in an ED probe could lead to major havoc in the state.

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