Bhopal: The BJP said it has released one crore membership cards in Madhya Pradesh in the first phase of the party’s membership drive. However, this assertion has been questioned by the Opposition leader Umang Singhar, who has accused the chief minister of falsehoods. However, he specifically targeted BJP state president V.D. Sharma saying that the party has indulged in very grave misconduct in regards to membership enlistment.

On social media X, Singhar said, “Like the BJP membership campaign is fake but equally fake is V.D. Sharma.” He accused Sharma of downplaying media reports that allegedly indicate that the BJP is aggressively forcing people into membership under threats and exploiting the government systems. Singhar cited examples from Ujjain city in which outsourced employees alleged that they are forced to enroll citizens in the BJP party, which he says has hampered the delivery of basic services.

Singhar explained that the BJP claimed that its membership drive has spread inside the government ration shops, colleges, and hospitals. Some of his criticisms included concerns about the misuse of public property for purposes of party activities; he wanted to know if the above constitutes an act of abusing the powers of government. ‘These are not arguably examples of misuse of public administration and state power?’ he asked. He also took potshots at V.D. Sharma Sharma, asking whether he approves of the reported tendency among the groups that seek new members to use force to get what they want.

The membership campaign exercise that the BJP embarked on has created handsome political activity in Madhya Pradesh, and the local opposition leaders fiercely challenging the purity and mode of conducting the campaign. These disagreements point to an overall struggle between the BJP and the other parties in the opposition in the coming contest for public credibility. These accusations may have huge future effects on the BJP party as the political structures change.

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